Sunday, October 12, 2014

禁止地域でラブホテル営業 経営者らを書類送検へ 兵庫県警 - Police action against GHP (Kato Pleasure Group company)

神戸市内の住宅街で、ラブホテルが禁止地区に「旅館」として営業していた問題で、兵庫県警生活環境課などは14日、ホ テルを経営している大阪市天王寺区の経営コンサルタント業「GHP」代表の男性(39)ら3人と、同社を15日にも風営法違反(禁止区域営業)容疑で書類 送検する方針を固めた。「偽装ラブホテル」の立件は異例という。

In the residential area of Kobe city, in an area where Love Hotels are prohibited, there was an incident of a Love Hotel operating under a ryokan license. On the 14th, the Hyogo Prefectural Police  served a summons of breach of the Adult Entertainment Law to 3 officers of the Osaka office of the hotel operator, called "GHP" GHP ウェブサイト

Investigators allege that according to their investigations, that the accused have around mid January this year, in Chuo-ku, Kobe, Yamamotodori, operated a love hotel business called Chapel Suite Chapel Hotels ウェブサイト, even though this is prohibited in this area under the Adult Entertainment Laws.  while they had only received the permission of the city to operate as an Inn, they were in fact operating a love hotel de facto.

In January this year, prefectural police searched the hotel. They found that in contravention of the laws, there were vending machines for adult toys, that room rate is displayed on the outside of the flashy building, there is no hotel guest roster as is required for inns business hotel in the Hotel Business Law. According to these matters, it was determined to have been opearting as a love hotel.

According to city, after receiving the search, the hotel that was reopened by improving the structure and equipment.

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